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upper limit 意味

"upper limit"の例文


  • upper limit


  • expiration date and/or upper limit of amounts may be determined for some tickets .
  • gonkan (gondaigeki , gonshogeki ) and the like were sometimes established to compensate the shortage of personnel , but on january 4 , 1188 , it was decided to set the upper limit of the prescribed number for daigeki and shogeki in total to 6 .
    また人数を補うために権官(権大外記・権少外記)などが設けられる事があったが、文治3年12月4日 (旧暦)(1188年1月4日)には最大定員を大少合わせて6名とすることになった。
  • the upper limit of the bathing fee is decided and specified by each prefectural governor pursuant to the provisions set forth in the price control ordinance (which was proclaimed before the proclamation of the current constitution and has the same binding effect as the law ).
  • in principle , ' shozan ' should have been designated by the decree of seii taishogun (great general who subdues the barbarians ) of the muromachi shogunate government as in the case of ' gozan ' , but as the upper limit was not set for the designation , commands from emperor daijo of the northern court or even qualifications by the southern court , which was the enemy of the bakufu , were confirmed so that ' shozan ' was given to a lot of ' zenrin .'


  • the limit on the upper (or northernmost) side of something

  • the largest possible quantity
    Synonyms: maximum,

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